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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries



Jean-Louis Giavitto was Chairman of the jury of Clément Poncelet. He was reviewer of the PhD thesis of Jaime Arias (University of Bordeaux, Sémantique Formelle et Vérification Automatique de Scénarios Hiérarchiques Multimédia avec des Choix Interactifs), and examiner of the PhD of Mattia Bergomi (Università di Milano and UPMC, Dynamical and Topological Tools for (Modern) Music Analysis).

Florent Jacquemard was reviewer of the PhD thesis of Etienne Dubourg (University of Bordeaux, Contributions to the theory of tile languages). He is reviewer of the PhD thesis of Nicolas Guiomard-Kagan (Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Traitement de la polyphonie pour l’analyse informatique de partitions musicales). He has been examiner of the PhD of Emil-Mircea Andriescu (UPMC, MiMove, Dynamic Data Adaptation for the Synthesis and Deployment of Protocol Mediators) and examiner of the PhD of Carles Creus López (UPC Barcelona, Tree Automata with Constraints and Tree Homomorphisms).